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Siberian Caviar

  • RM388.00

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Availability: In Stock

Product Code: Siberian Caviar


Farmed and harvested in Malaysia, Siberian Caviar is produced by Tropical Siberian Sturgeon (Acipenser Baerii). It is a Fine-Grained Caviar recognised for its pure, elegant flavour and exquisite length which is both fine and clear. Its colour ranges from black/grey to black/brown tones.

It is an excellent source of Vitamins A and D, Minerals and High on Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Caviar promotes a healthy nervous, circulatory and immune system. Caviar also aids in deterring depression. Arginine, a Vascular Dilator in contained Caviar helps increase blood flow. Thus the claim as an aphrodisiac. One serving of Caviar contains an adult's daily requirement of Vitamin B12.


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